Stump Grinding

We Grind Stumps – Any Size

Our service is simple enough. We only offer stump grinding along with leveling. Stump grinding debris hauling can be done for an additional fee. We are licensed and insured and are workers comp exempt leaving you with no liability to worry about.


Our machinery is designed to remove stumps of all sizes. It is a grinding vehicle that we set for your removal and the machine does the rest. Small enough to fit through a 36 inch gate and nimble enough to move around without destroying your property. We deliver neat and clean stump removal that is effective and extremely safe. Call us today to learn more or to schedule a removal.

Fallen Tree Stump Grinding — Pensacola, FL — Max Granger Stump Grinding

Advantages of Stump Grinding

Fast & Very Efficient: Alternate methods for removing a stump are not nearly as effective as grinding. Even if you yanked it out, you still have a stump that needs to be removed.

Nice Clean Result: Grinding up those old stumps will immediately help you regain space you thought was long gone. Your yard ends up looking great, not neglected, and unsightly.

Reduces Potential for Disease & Pests: An old stump is a haven for boring insects and even bees. A rotting stump could affect surrounding trees and grass.

Trip Hazard & Inconvenience: You may think you won’t trip over that big stump, but you better think again. It’s not safe having it out there and you have to mow around that thing all the time. Call your friends at Max Granger Stump Grinding and make your stumps disappear. 

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